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Welcome to the TV MSBL Family

We are proud to offer the best men's senior baseball league in the San Francisco East Bay Area.  Baseball is our passion, and we're honored to have you in our league.

Why We Play Baseball

For most of us, we've played and followed baseball our whole lives.  This league allows us to continue playing as long as our bodies are able!


We're committed to providing the best experience possible. What you will receive from playing is "Camaraderie" and "Fellowship" with a "Sprit of Competition".



30 years of quality baseball

Tri-Valley MSBL was started in 1992. 


We have collected 22 national championships.

Meet Our League Officials


My name is Denny Brown
Chairman of the Board

My love of baseball started before I can remember.  My dad played Sunday baseball and I was going to his games before I learned to walk.  One of my earliest memories of big league baseball was the Willie Mays catch in the 1954 World Series.  My dad, my brother, and I were watching on our black and white TV.  My dad was disappointed that the Giants swept the Indians that year;  he was hoping for a seven game series.

When I was 16, a scout told me, "Too bad you can't run, kid.  You should stay in school."  He was right.  I stayed in school through an extended graduate student career at Stanford. 


In addition to playing with my family members, I have also had the pleasure of playing with and managing at least 4 major league players:  Bert Campaneris, Steve Brye, Bill Lee, and Pete Hamm.

And a big reason that I've been able to play this game for so long is the support I continue to get from my wife.  Jake and I celebrated our 56th wedding anniversary on 8/20/2022.



My name is Bruce Fraser

League President

I have played baseball since I was 7 years old.  I have been a member of the Tri-Valley MSBL for over 20 years and a manager for most of those years.  I have played in many tournaments over the years in San Diego, Arizona, Woodland, Monterey, Las Vegas and in Cooperstown.  I am a diehard Oakland A's fan and have attended their fantasy camp for almost 10 years.  â€‹I am a retired accountant and have been with my wife for more than 25 years.  We have 5 children and 7 grandchildren.  We enjoy traveling, especially to Hawaii and seeing MLB stadiums across the country.



My name is Mike Pankow

League Vice-President

I am an MSBL National and Tri-Valley MSBL Hall of Fame member.   I have played in the Tri-Valley MSBL since 1999, and have a passion for the game, competition, camaraderie and fellowship with great friends.  I also view myself as an ambassador to keep our friends playing with a reason to stay healthy!


My name is Steve Gregovich

League Treasurer-Secretary

I have been a member of Tri-Valley MSBL as a player since 1995.  I served on the Board for a few years during the original league formation, and returned to serve on the Board after our re-organization in 2019.  


I’m an East Bay native, graduating from College Park High School and Cal State Hayward.  I recently retired from a 30 year career in banking regulation. My wife Jen and I have twin daughters.


My name is David Matthiesen

League Quality Control Officer

I have been a member of Tri-Valley MSBL as a player/MGR/co-MGR/Board Member since 2001 as well as the TVMSBL Operations/Voting Committee (OVC) since 2019 when the league re-organized.  My Board/OVC role has been as primarily the Quality Control Officer in charge of League Rules, Umpires, Protests, and Suspensions.  I was elected to the TVMSBL Hall of Fame and was also awarded the TVMSBL Lifetime Achievement Award, both in 2008.


I have worked in high tech/high tech sales for my career.  I have been married to Stacy for 25 years, and we have two sons in their twenties.



My name is Max Stapenhorst

18+ Commissioner

I have been a player in the TVMSBL League since 2019. I started playing baseball when I was a little kid, continued through High School, and while I was in the United States Marine Corps. I have a passionate love for all things baseball, and I hope to spread that to other people in our community. 

If I am not playing baseball, I enjoy spending time with my family and taking out our boat or hitting the snow for other athletic adventures. Also, I spend my time working for a large tech company in the Bay Area in the Finance department.

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My name is Dave Lewis

40+ Commissioner

I’ve been a player and manager in Tri Valley since 2003.  Played in many tournaments in Woodland/Davis, Las Vegas, Monterey, and Arizona.  Grateful for my three World Series rings, two MSBL titles, and several Monterey and Woodland/Davis championships.


I work in high tech, have three kids, two grandsons, and married to Deb for 25 years.


My two younger brothers also played competitive baseball throughout their lives.


Salesian High and San Jose State graduate who plays the sax and piano when not on the baseball field.


Passionate about the environment and helping others.


Favorite ball players are Ricky Henderson and Ken Griffey Jr.

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My name is Bryan Balch

50+ Commissioner

I’ve been playing baseball in the Tr-Valley area for over 30 years, starting in the 30+ Division, working my way through the 40+, 50+, and currently in the 55+ Division. I’m knocking on the door to the 65+ Division.


Throughout my career in the Men’s Divisions, I’ve played middle infield positions. I’ve been blessed to play with and against some great guys over the years. It’s been an honor to sit on the board and the Operations Committee for the past several years. I’ve enjoyed playing in the World Series in Arizona on many occasions, starting in 1998. I’ve had the pleasure of playing in the Palms Spring Tournament held in January, Woodland over Labor Day, and have even ventured to Florida to play in the Roy Hobbs World Series. Baseball has been in my blood since I started playing at age 8.


I’ve lived in the Tri-Valley area since 1978.  In November 2020, my wife, Leila and I relocated to Napa.  We have four adult daughters, a beautiful granddaughter and grandson.

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My name is Jeff Breglio

60+ Commissioner

Growing up a stone’s throw from Shea Stadium and obsessed with baseball (just ask my wife), I gave it up for softball after my college career ended.  Some years later I was happy to get back to it, joining a team in SF when Men’s Senior Baseball was just getting started.  And through the miracle of Tommy John surgery I feel fortunate that I can still be at it.  Now I enjoy not only playing but managing tournament teams and working with other Tri-Valley MSBL officers to help make the league a better experience for everyone.

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My name is Gus Manning

68+ Commissioner

Baseball has always been my favorite sport since I started playing at 3.5 years old.  That summer, my parents took my brother and me to 8 games at Cleveland Municipal Stadium, and we watched and listened to Lou Boudreau, Bob Feller, Bob Lemon, Larry Doby, and Satchell Paige winning the pennant and the World Series.  It seemed pretty cool and pretty easy at the time.  We played every day in the summer my whole childhood.


I played in high school, and some in college, but playing for a living was never in the cards.  Since I grew up in the era of Sputnik and the cold war, I became a scientist.  Twenty-five years later, I discovered old timer baseball and decided it was a better way to spend Sundays than worrying about my career, the lawn, or the neighbors.  Since 1995, I have been playing every weekend, and going to the fall tournaments in Arizona and Florida.  Most of the time I have been playing with Denny Brown, the greatest baseball mind in northern California.  We will be going for our third 75+ championship at Phoenix this Fall.  I have met a lot of people, had interesting times, and stayed in good health.


When we were about 10 years old, my brother and I made a vow that we would die on the baseball field.  My brother recently died at home, but (since he was still playing) he could have died on the field.  Now that it is a possibility for me, I think about it a lot.  There are worse ways to go out.

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