Managers and Players
With the end of our 2022 season, I wanted to congratulate all of the division champions:
18+ Division: CV Braves
40+ Division: Astros
55+ Division: Celery Kings
65+ Division: Expos
I hope all members of our league had a great time this season!
I also wanted to announce (managers have been notified already) that we have a new website up and running at or Here are a few enhancements that we are planning to pursue:
1. Adding a Lost and Found section
2. Enhancing the Awards page to add the regular season champions
3. Including a short write-up for the Hall of Fame members as well a picture if one is available
4. Places to advertise sponsors of our league
Please scroll through the website and provide your feedback, especially any ideas you have to make it better. You can send your feedback to your commissioner or me directly. Also, if anyone is interested in managing the website (developed using Wix), please let me know. It is really important for us to have someone dedicated to keeping our new site up-to-date.
In preparation for our 2023 season, we have already started to look ahead. More information will be communicated shortly, but three items we are looking at are division realignment, holding try-outs for early next year to help with supplying players to teams that are in need, and securing more fields. If anyone has any connections with fields that we could possibly add, please let me know.
I hope everyone has a great off-season!